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The Culture of Well-Being

The ACGME is committed to supporting graduate medical education programs to develop a Culture of Well-Being, not just the absence of burnout and depression. The central feature in this culture is the well-being of all members of the health care team, including faculty and staff members, and residents and fellows.

NAM Celebratory Event Kicks Off Week Leading to the Health Workforce Well-Being Day on March 18

This inaugural day aims to unite national and institutional leaders, policymakers, patients, communities, and health workers across professions. It is sponsored by the National Academy of Medicine Collaborative, co-chaired by President and Chief Executive Officer Dr. Thomas Nasca.

ACGME President and CEO Thomas J. Nasca, MD, MACP Receives Well-being Award from The Ohio State University

Dr. Nasca and two others received the inaugural National Award for Outstanding Leadership in Support of Clinician Well-Being for their work as co-chairs of the National Academy of Medicine's Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being.

ACGME Launches New Tools and Resources Web Page Dedicated to Physician Well-Being

These resources were compiled to support local efforts to improve resident, fellow, and faculty member well-being and help physicians in distress as part of the ACGME's commitment to promoting physican well-being.

New Tools and Resources to Support Resident and Faculty Member Well-Being Now Available

These resources are designed to support and promote wellness in the clinical learning environment. They support the elements of Section VI of the Common Program Requirements, which emphasize psychological, emotional, and physical well-being.

National Academy of Medicine Extends Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being and Resilience until 2022

The National Academy of Medicine (NAM) Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being and Resilience (Clinician Well-Being Collaborative) is announcing a two-year extension of its work to address burnout faced by healthcare workers.  The ACGME is proud to co-chair the Action Collaborative, a network of more than 200 organizations committed to the cause.

ACGME Hosts Fifth Public Meeting of NAM Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being

The ACGME today hosted the fifth public meeting of the National Academy of Medicine’s (NAM) Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being and Resilience focused on “Redesigning the Clinical Learning Environment.”