
Join the ACGME and NAM in Accelerating the Climate and Health Movement

ACGME President and CEO Dr. Thomas J. Nasca joins NAM President Dr. Victor J. Dzau in encouraging others to join NAM’s new initiative to mobilize all health sector organizations and accelerate the national climate and health movement. 

September 2024

Welcoming the New Academic Year: Resources to Support GME during this Transitional Period

This first post in a new series focuses on resources provided by the ACGME on its website and distance learning platform for residents and fellows.

July 2024

Article in Academic Medicine Discusses the Clinician Educator Milestones Development Process and How to Use Them

Co-authored by ACGME Senior Vice President, Competencies, Milestones, and Faculty Development Laura Edgar, EdD, CAE, this paper was the focus of the first Clinician Educator Journal Club and describes how to use the Clinician Educator Milestones as well as their development.

June 2024

The ACGME Introduces Comprehensive Well-Being Resource for Medical Education Transitions

The ACGME recently unveiled a new learning resource designed to support the mental health and well-being of residents and others in the clinical learning environment during key transitional phases.

May 2024

Request for Input on Second Draft of the Foundational Competencies for Undergraduate Medical Education

The ACGME, Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), and the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine (AACOM) are requesting your input on a second draft of the Foundational Competencies for Undergraduate Medical Education.

April 2024

#ACGME2024 Session Summary: Life as LGBTQIA+ in the Current Learning Environment

A summary of the Sunset Session at the 2024 ACGME Annual Educational Conference, an open and personal panel discussion about "Life as LGBTQIA+ in the Current Learning Environment."

April 2024

Statement on Improving Health through DEI

Leading health care and medical associations from across the country today made a statement in support of DEI policies in health care, as a means to help improve the health of our nation.

March 2024