This week's e-Communication includes the deadline extension for the Barbara Ross-Lee, DO Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award, requirements available for Review and Comment, public member openings on Review Committees and more.
The ACGME welcomed attendees back to the first in-person Annual Educational Conference since 2020. Thursday featured multiple Full-Day Courses, tailored to specific roles and functions in GME, a networking event for coordinators, a reception for residents and fellows, the annual Marvin R. Dunn Welcoming Poster Reception and Exhibitor Kick-Off, and a celebratory dinner for awardees.
This week's e-Communication includes information on Review and Comment, the incorporation of Common Program Requirement revisions into specialty-specific Program Requirements, National Health Equity Grand Rounds and more.
This week's edition of the e-Communication includes information about leadership training for chief residents, networking opportunities at the Annual Educational Conference, and more.
This week's e-Communication announces the Marvin R. Dunn Keynote Address and Closing Plenary speakers for the 2023 Annual Educational Conference; includes information about Review and Comment, Milestones, CLER site visit blackout dates, and more.
New for 2023, Full-Day Courses on topics of interest to specific audiences (previously called "pre-conferences") are included in the conference registration fee!
This week's e-Communication includes information on a new ACGME Equity Matters toolkit, an invitation to participate in an event honoring the 2021 Vilcek-Gold Award for Humanism in Healthcare recipients, and more.
This week's edition includes information on the upcoming Call for Abstracts deadline for the 2023 Annual Educational Conference, calls for Review Committee members, featured articles in the Journal of Graduate Medical Education, and more.
The first-ever Clinician Educator Milestones are now available, designed to support development and improvement of teaching and learning skills across the continuum of medical education.
This week's e-Communication includes the Call for Abstracts for the 2023 Annual Educational Conference, a survey to assist the Milestones program with quality assurance, ACGME Case Log System updates for some specialties and subspecialties, and more.