This week's e-Communication includes the Call for Abstracts for the 2023 Annual Educational Conference, a survey to assist the Milestones program with quality assurance, ACGME Case Log System updates for some specialties and subspecialties, and more.
In this week's e-Communication, find approaching deadlines for multiple volunteer opporutnities at the ACGME, details about the Annual Educational Conference, and more.
This week's edition includes information about the Annual Educational Conference Call for Abstracts, the Shaping GME process for general surgery, registration for the National Learning Community of Sponsoring Institutions Meeting, and more.
A new ACGME Blog series, ACGME Answers, will provide context and detail about the ACGME, GME, and on some of the topics featured in the ACGME General FAQs.
This week's e-Communication includes Review and Comment, registration for the National Learning Community of Sponsoring Institutions meeting, the Calls for Sessions for the 2023 ACGME Annual Educational Conference, and more.
This week's e-Communication includes actions taken at the most recent meeting of the ACGME Board of Directors; Review and Comment information; the announcement of the most recent Back to Bedside funding receipients, and more.
Featured in this e-Communication is information on the new preventive medicine specialties, resident member nominations for a variety of Review Committees, registration for a institutional coordinator workshop, and more.
In this week's e-Communication, learn how the ACGME is working to reduce administrative burden, access multi-year reports for Resident/Fellow and Faculty Surveys, view selected presentations from the 2022 ACGME Annual Educational Conference, and more.
This week's e-Communication includes information about an upcoming Rural Track webinar, office hours with the Insittutional Review Commttee Executive Director, the Milestones reporting window, and more.
This week's e-Communication includes access to three toolkits to assist transitions in medical education, a letter from President and Chief Executive Officer Thomas J. Nasca to ACGME volunteers, and more.