Participate in a webinar about the proposed Institutional Requirements; submit an abstract to present a research poster at the ACGME Annual Educational Conference in Nashville; and apply for the Macy Catalyst Awards.
Observe Suicide Prevention Month by reviewing the ACGME's resources for Sponsoring Institutions and programs that want to improve well-being of their communities; read the #ACGME2025 Program Guide; and register for the National Learning Community of Sponsoring Institutions and Clinical Learning Environments meeting in October.
The next post in the Partnerships to Establish and Sustain Rural GME series features an interview with Matthew A. Braniecki, DO from Firelands Regional Medical Center.
This week's e-Communication includes opportunities for residents and fellows to join Review Committees; information on being interviewed about the Milestones; a call for Appeals Panel members; and more.
The next post in the Partnerships to Establish and Sustain Rural GME series features an interview with Randy Longenecker, MD, from Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine.
This week's edition includes news on available funding for a new round of Back to Bedside projects for 2024-2026; the Wednesday deadline for the ACGME Equity MattersTM Learning Community, and updates regarding accreditation site visit and Self-Study updates for programs.
This post highlights opportunities to connect with ACGME staff members at the 2024 ACGME Annual Educational Conference.
View the full schedule for the 2024 ACGME Annual Educational Conference; read the 2023 Milestones National Report; learn how to join the 2024-2025 ACGME Equity MattersTM Learning Community; and more.
The second ACGME National Learning Community of Sponsoring Institutions convened September 19-20, 2023 with an impressive lineup of speakers and sessions designed to address the evolving landscape of graduate medical education (GME) and health care leadership for institutions.
This edition of the e-Communication includes information about the ACGME Data Resource Book 2022-2023; the Annual Report; the latest National Health Equity Grand Rounds event; and Review Committee news.